Wooden lookout on the top of Landek

The wooden lookout on Landek Hill stands in the place where the inhabitants of the Slavic settlement guarded the Amber Trail as early as the eighth century. Even today, when you stand on this spot, you understand that Landek was a strategic place.

From the seven-metre high tower standing on a perch above the confluence of the Ostravice and Odra rivers, you can enjoy a view of Ostrava, which forms the foreground of the panorama of the Beskydy Mountains. The Odra River flows deep underfoot.

The viewpoint is one of the stops on the educational trail that guides visitors through Landek and introduces them to the history of this place. Landek could be described as the cradle of the birth of human civilization in the Ostrava region. As early as 25 thousand years ago, prehistoric people lived here and for the first time in the world used coal to keep the fire going. The proof of human life is, among other things, the extraordinary discovery of a small statue of a woman, the so-called Landek or Petřkovice Venus.

The history of coal mining in the Ostrava region began to be written many thousands of years later in the nearby Anselm Mine, which is now a mining museum.


Landek Park
Pod Landekem 64
725 29 Ostrava-Petřkovice
E-mail: landekpark@dolnivitkovice.cz
Web: https://www.landekpark.cz
Tel.: +420 602 532 414

Wooden lookout on the top of Landek