Poodří floodplain forests

Romantic walks with spots to sit by the ponds and watch swans and elegant herons.

If you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of a kingfisher fishing. Mysterious nooks and crannies of the blind arms of the Odra River, old fallen tree trunks that are gradually becoming overgrown with moss. Meadows covered with meadow flowers.

In addition to that, peace. Not silence, but the calm of nature, with birds singing and frogs croaking everywhere. All this with views of Lysá hora, the dominant feature of the Beskydy Mountains, rising in a misty haze. But also a place where the banks are perpendicular and the Odra is deep underneath, as proof that once in a while a wild river cuts off part of its banks.

And all this literally on the border of an industrial city like Ostrava. All of this is the incredible nature of Poodří, one of the last areas to remain untouched by man and his efforts to subdue nature, because it is here, on the banks of the Odra, that nature makes it clear that it cannot be tamed.


Správa CHKO Poodří
2. května 1
742 13 Studénka
E-mail: poodri@nature.cz
Web: http://www.poodri.nature.cz/
Tel.: +420 556 455 055

Poodří floodplain forests