Tesin Silesia
Discover folk treasures on the border point where three countries meet
Few areas retain so many folk traditions and folklore that thrives in the Tesin Silesia.
The customs of three neighboring countries come together here. The coexistence of Silesians, Slovaks and Poles is ingrained in everyday life and is evident in the local cuisine, a specific dialect as well as folk architecture. The Silesian area around Těšín is bordered by a belt of the Silesian Beskydy Mountains featuring the legendary mountain peak Velké (Great) Čantoryje. The trails which line this mountain ridge are ideal for mountain biking, hiking or cross-country skiing activities. Těšín Silesia is intimately connected to the River Olše, which gives rise to cities like Třinec, Karvina and Těšín. You will also find here an early settlement of the original Slavs and many chateaux which reflect the wealth of Silesian nobility.