Bílá Opava Spring

The Bílá Opava River rises on the slopes of the Praděd Mountain near the famous Barborka Mountain chalet.

On its course it creates a beautiful system of rapids, waterfalls and in many places it has carved steep canyons in the rocks. The Bílá Opava educational trail runs around the stream. The route leads over footbridges and bridges, and visitors climb the steepest parts of the route on ladders. The spring lies outside the marked route of the Praděd National Park and is not open to the public. 


IC Karlova Studánka
Karlova Studánka 92
793 24 Karlova Studánka
E-mail: info@jeseniky-praded.cz
Web: http://www.jeseniky-praded.cz/
Tel.: +420 554 772 004

Bílá Opava Spring