Javorový vrch (Maple Hill)
From Řeka to Javorový vrch
This trail starts in the village of Řeka and leads through Gutské sedlo along the green hiking trail. This trail is about 7 km long. You can also take an alternative trail – from Gutské sedlo take the yellow trail to Javorový, then further along the blue trail to Javorový vrch.
Route: Řeka > Gutské sedlo > Javorový vrch
Route length | 7,5 km |
Duration | 2:09 hod |
Difficulty | medium |
Surface | forest road |

From Třinec – Guty to Javorový vrch
This trail starts at the Třinec-Guty pub. First, you will pass a few cottages, then you will be accompanied only by Oldřichovský stream, follow the blue track. After about 2 km there is a right turn to the nature reserve Gutské Peklo, where the Gut waterfalls are also located. This trail is 5 km long.
Route: Třinec Guty > Javorový vrch
Route length | 5 km |
Duration | 1:42 hod |
Difficulty | medium |
Surface | forest road |

From Oldřichovice to Javorový vrch
This trail is more gradual and has only 3,2 km. Recommended for families with kids.
Route: Oldřichovice > Javorový vrch
Route length | 3,1 km |
Duration | 1:21 hod |
Difficulty | light |
Surface | forest road |

Tyra 58
739 61 Třinec
E-mail: info@javorovy-vrch.eu
Web: https://javorovy-vrch.eu/
Tel.: +420 739 927 698