Křížový vrch over Ruda u Rýmařova

At the top of the Cross Hill above Ruda u Rýmařova there is a cross with the life-size body of Jesus Christ.

The late 18th century work is an impressive twelfth stop on the Stations of the Cross from the local church. From the cross, there is a fantastic view that opens up the fertile plain of the Haná on one side and the rugged mountains of the Nízký and Hrubý Jeseník on the other.

The Calvary, as the hills on which similar pilgrimage sites were built are called, is a pearl of Baroque sacred art.


Informační centrum při Městském muzeu Rýmařov, p. o.
nám. Míru 6
795 01 Rýmařov
E-mail: icko@inforymarov.cz
Web: http://www.inforymarov.cz/

Křížový vrch over Ruda u Rýmařova