Historical centre of Bruntál
The historical centre of Bruntál, the town which was the first to obtain town rights in the Czech territory, is a square plaza with Renaissance and Empire houses.
The town hall dates back to the sixteenth century. After the fires, it was rebuilt in the Baroque style and a tower was built on it. The most valuable house in the square is Gabriel’s House on the corner of Náměstí Míru, which has retained much of its appearance from around 1600 and is considered a jewel of Silesian Renaissance bourgeois art.
History lovers can continue with a visit to the local castle with an excellent exhibition dedicated to the history of the town.
MIC Bruntál
nám. Míru 64/7
792 01 Bruntál
E-mail: mic@mubruntal.cz
Web: http://www.mubruntal.cz/
Tel.: +420 554 706 525