The Ostrava city fire brigade museum

What boy or girl wouldn't want to try what it's like to slide down a pole like the ones used by firefighters? If you want to try the tools that firefighters use to get inside a crashed car and pull out injured passengers, if you want to see both historic and modern fire trucks, then visit the Firebrigade Museum in Ostrava.

You can also see the historical uniforms that men wore when fighting fires, or try on the modern helmet that protects today’s firefighters from the heat. You can learn about what cities have done to protect the property and lives of their citizens in the past and present from guides who are mostly experienced firefighters themselves.


Hasičské muzeum města Ostravy
Zákrejsova 53/3
702 00 Ostrava
Tel.: +420 596 136 841

The Ostrava city fire brigade museum
The Ostrava city fire brigade museum