Wandering boulder near the village of Liptáň

At the road in the village of Liptáň, at the beginning of the Osoblažský výběžek, a popular stop for cyclists is a place where a giant wandering boulder is situated. It is one of the largest in the Czech Republic, weighing over five tonnes. It is one of the proofs of the glaciers' wanderings that pushed the wandering boulders all the way from Sweden.

An exhibition devoted to errant boulders can be seen, for example, in Karlova Studánka. You can also learn about how the landscape of Bohemian Silesia was formed at the Silesian Museum in Opava. The largest collection of wandering boulders can be visited in the village of Velká Kraš in the Jeseníky region, where there are seventy of these Ice Age monuments in northern Moravia and Silesia.


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Wandering boulder near the village of Liptáň