Gallery of fine arts in Ostrava

The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava is the largest collection-creating gallery in the region and a contributory organization of the Moravian-Silesian Region.

The collections of the GVUO comprise more than 23,000 art objects and artworks are annually loaned to important exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The exhibition space is located in Dům umění, a listed building from 1926, which is one of the gems of Ostrava’s architecture. GVUO organizes educational programmes for schools, creative workshops for the public (from toddlers to seniors) and accompanying programmes in the form of guided tours, lectures, literary readings, concerts and festivals.

The creation of GVUO is closely related to the construction of Dům umění. A meeting between the builder and art collector František Jureček and the official and art collector Alois Sprušil helped its realisation. Together, in 1923, they founded Spolek pro vystavění a udržování pavilonu v Moravské Ostravě (Association for the construction and maintenance of the exhibition pavilion in Moravská Ostrava), which contributed to the construction of Dům umění (House of Art), which was opened on 13 May 1926. František Jureček eventually bequeathed his collection to Spolek Domu umění v Ostravě (Society of the House of Art in Ostrava), thus forming the basis of the collection of today’s Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava.


Dům umění
Jurečkova 9
702 00 Ostrava

Tel.: +420 596 115 425

Gallery of fine arts in Ostrava