Kotvice Nature Reserve

The pond is an incredibly rich realm of plants and animals. In the Poodří Protected Landscape Area, there is a whole system of water bodies among which educational trails have been created.

The Kotvice Nature Reserve takes its name from the protected aquatic plant, the water caltrop, and is an important botanical area. The streams and wetlands have provided a breeding ground for floodplain forest and grassland. Massive summer oaks, alders and lime trees can be admired here. In the stagnant water of the ponds, aquatic plants, such as shining pondweed and fan-leaf water-crowfoot, thrive.

The Kotvice Educational Trail starts from the preserve of the Nová Horka Chateau, is 3 km long and has ten stops. The embankment between the Kačák and Kotvice ponds is the former railway line from Studénka to Štramberk and can be followed to the nearby railway station in Studénka and connected to the Studénka – Poodří educational trail.

Visitors will not be bored while walking around the Kotvice Reserve, as the ponds and adjacent meadows are bustling with activity. Water birds can be observed here, especially water birds, which choose bushes and islands in the middle of the water to build their nests. The moist environment also favours various species of amphibians. The educational trail ends at the Pasečný Bridge, where there is a pond weir from the 15th century.

In addition to the aquatic plant, animal and bird life itself, you can also see the panorama of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains.


IC Studénka
nám. Republiky 762
742 13 Studénka
E-mail: infocentrum@mesto-studenka.cz
Web: http://www.ic.mesto-studenka.cz
Tel.: +420 556 414 387

Kotvice Nature Reserve