Biskupská kupa
The building at the top of Biskupská kupa stands on the Czech-Polish border and resembles a lighthouse on the sea shore or the building of a giant windmill. The eighteen-metre-high structure is the oldest stone lookout tower in Moravia and from here you can see Praděd, Kralický Sněžník and, if the visibility is really good, the peaks of the High Tatras or Vratislav.
The stone lookout tower has stood here since 1898, when a German tourist association built it as a reminder of the half-century-long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. Biskupská kupa was already a border point in the Middle Ages, when it separated the Olomouc diocese from the Vratislav diocese, and after the Silesian Wars the Habsburg territory ended here.
The lookout tower can be reached on foot from the main signpost (in front of the museum building) in the centre of Zlaté Hory, following the green trail through the chapel of St. Roch and the Monk’s Stone to the top (4 km) or by car in the direction of Jindřichov in Silesia to the saddle of Petrovy boudy and from the local car park walk along the green trail to the lookout tower (approx. 2 km).
Don’t miss the hilarious video trailer under the “play” sign at the top of the picture!
MIC Zlaté Hory
Bezručova 144
793 77 Zlaté Hory
Tel.: +420 584 425 397