Hradní vrch Educational Trail

The Hradní vrch Educational Trail is a circular trail, 2 km long. It leads from the Hukvaldy square through the giant gate along the asphalt road to the castle ruins and along the forest path back to the gate. It is an easy hike, about an hour long, marked with local red trail signs.

The 457 ha game preserve is home to fallow deer and mouflon. Access to the game preserve is only possible at designated points and visitor movement is restricted to marked paths.

The Leoš Janáček Memorial is located in the house No. 79, where he spent the last years of his life. An exhibition about this genius of Czech music is located here.

A group of seven specimens of beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) growing on the slope below the castle have been designated as memorial trees. These trees have massively developed root systems that are largely exposed due to erosion, forming strange intertwined formations and thus giving an extremely aesthetic impression.

Hukvaldy Castle, one of our oldest and most extensive castles, was gradually built up to form a vast fortress that was never captured militarily. Nowadays, the preserved parts are gradually being restored. The castle offers beautiful views of the surrounding area. Various cultural events are held in the castle grounds. Part of the Janáček Music Festival takes place here, apart from other concerts, and the castle often serves as a suitable backdrop for filmmakers.

Hradní vrch Hukvaldy was declared a natural monument in 1999. The mission of the protected area is to preserve the unique complex of beech forests and the natural landscape composition of the historic preserve.


IC Hukvaldy
Hukvaldy 40
739 46 Hukvaldy
Tel.: +420 775 886 844

Hradní vrch Educational Trail