Odra – Floodplains Educational Trail

On the educational trail you can choose from three circuits of 2 km, 5.9 km or 3.6 km.

Circuit I

stops 1-5a, easy flat route for primary schools. At the individual stops, you can learn about the character of the landscape, the historical use of the area (ponds), the forest cover on the pond dykes, meadow herbs, the Odra River and the animals associated with these types of environment (the dykes are so varied that pupils have the opportunity to get to know all the important deciduous tree species of the Poodří region). The length of the route is 2 km, accessible by public transport from Proskovice, only for pedestrians.

Circuit II

stops 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10b (for secondary school children and other visitors), a physically easy route through the flat landscape of the riverbeds of the Odra, Ondřejnice and Lubina. The trail is devoted to riverbed landscapes with meandering watercourses, typical tree stands in water banks and pond dykes, meadows, ponds, negative human impact on endangered floodplain habitats, necessary revitalisation of the area. In addition, it introduces visitors to the history of the development of settlements in the river valley ( Košatka nad Odrou). The length of the route is 5.9 km, accessible by public transport from Proskovice, in the opposite direction from the ČD station in Jistebník (stop 10b with an orientation map).

Circuit III

stops 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 (for the time being only to Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí), currently an easy flat route, planned in its entirety along the river terrace to Proskovice for university excursions, also suitable for tourist use. It introduces visitors to the wide river floodplain between Jistebník and Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí, the rivers Odra, Ondřejnice and Lubina and the human use of the floodplain landscape. The route includes, besides plants and animals, the opportunity to get acquainted with the charming historical architecture of the villages of this area and the negative construction interventions implemented at the end of the last century. The length of the route for now is 3.6 km, accessibility by public transport from Proskovice, from Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí by bus lines of the Ostrava region. 

Length (km)Circuit I 2 km, Circuit II 5.9 km, Circuit III for now 3.6 km
Number of stopsfor now 15
StartProskovice at the mill
FinishJistebník near the Bezruč pond, II. option Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí near the castle
Theme/focusplant and animal communities of the floodplain landscape, land use, history of the villages, nature conservation intentions in revitalisations
Type of trailtrail for primary, secondary and higher education as well as for general visitors to the area
Difficultyphysically easy trail in flat terrain
Tour time (approximate)depending on the circuits from 1 to approx. 4 hours


Správa CHKO Poodří
ul. 2. května 1
742 13 Studénka
E-mail: poodri@nature.cz
Web: http://www.poodri.ochranaprirody.cz/
Tel.: +420 556 455 055

Odra – Floodplains Educational Trail