Ostrava Gate

Ostrava, like other cities, was protected by walls in the Middle Ages and could only be entered through well-guarded gates.

The largest of them stood in the vicinity of St. Wenceslas Church. It was called the Church Gate and served as a link to Silesia.

Archaeological findings have shown that there was also a moat here in the Middle Ages, which travellers had to cross on a falling bridge. Historians discovered this during the construction of one of the most modern and architecturally interesting houses in Ostrava, which now stands on this site and is named Ostrava Gate after the mediaeval fortification. In addition to modern living inside Ostrava’s historic core, a generous space for a café was created.


OSTRAVAINFO!!! - pobočka Věž
Prokešovo náměstí 1803/8
702 00 Ostrava
E-mail: vez@ostravainfo.cz
Web: http://www.ostravainfo.cz/
Tel.: +420 599 443 096

Ostrava Gate