Ponds in Poodří

Meadows, groves, wetlands and pools - charming words, as if taken from a fairytale. Yet wetlands have been declining rapidly in recent times, even though they are a beneficial elixir for soil, plants and animals.

The patches of nature that still retain their original diversity are very rare.

The Poodří Protected Landscape Area is made up of a unique network of ponds, which allows many protected species of plants and animals to live. They are the creation of the Odra River, which spills out in meanders and floods the surrounding meadows. This creates unique communities of animals and plants that naturally complement each other. The Poodří region is also an important stopover for migratory birds on their journey across Europe. The Studénka – Poodří educational trail introduces visitors to life in this area.

The stagnant waters here are an ideal habitat for mussels and fish and you can also try fishing. You can see kingfishers along the banks of the pond, and grebes, gulls, swans and smaller water birds nest on the raised islands. Amphibians and aquatic insects mainly seek the pools or shallows. Along the shores there are rich meadows as well as original floodplain forests made up of oaks, alders, lindens and hornbeams.


Správa CHKO Poodří
ul. 2. května 1
742 13 Studénka
E-mail: poodri@nature.cz
Web: http://www.poodri.nature.cz
Tel.: +420 556 455 055

Ponds in Poodří