“rails” cycle path near Nový Jičín (1)

The cycle path follows the route of a former railway and is intended for cyclists and in-line skaters. There are five rest areas along the path.

Refresh yourself with a beer or raspberry soda at the bistro at the romantic Domorac train station. From here, It is a short walk to Kacabaja, where you can swim in clean natural water or visit Zrzávky, a natural spring with healing properties.

Route: Nový Jičín – Bludovice – Hodslavice Životice u Nového Jičína – Mořkov – Hostašovice

Route length9,75 km
Elevation gain174 m
Difficulty easy


“rails” cycle path near Nový Jičín (1)
“rails” cycle path near Nový Jičín (1)