Bolt Tower Ostrava
Until recently, the highest point in Ostrava that one could reach was the observation deck of the New Town Hall. Since May 2015, this is no longer the case - visitors can reach an even higher altitude on the terrace, which was built on top of a blast furnace in Dolní Vítkovice.
Glass and metal were used to create a café and an observation deck literally mounted on top of the original industrial colossus. And since the lookout was christened by the top athlete Usain Bolt, who regularly takes part in the Golden Spike athletics event in Ostrava, the tower bears the name of this sprinter, i.e. Bolt Tower. It is a great pun, because it means “helical tower” and the whole superstructure resembles a giant helix.
From the observation deck you can get an amazing bird’s eye view of the Dolní Vítkovice area. The view overlooks the whole of Ostrava and, if the visibility is good, you can see the Beskydy Mountains.
Návštěvnické centrum Dolní Vítkovice
Ruská 2993
703 00 Ostrava - Vítkovice
Tel.: +420 724 955 121