Observation tower of the New Town Hall in Ostrava
Although the New Town Hall was built in Ostrava in the 1920s, the observation deck in its tower is still the highest town hall observation deck in the country.
The tower is 85 metres high and the observation deck is 73 metres above the ground. It offers great views of the whole of Ostrava, the Beskydy Mountains and Poland. If the weather is good, you can see the Jeseníky Mountains.
A guide will be on hand at the viewpoint to help you get to know Ostrava better. The different parts of the city can be perfectly identified by the church spires, the Cathedral of the Divine Saviour in the city centre is an impressive building, and it is also great to see where Přívoz or Mariánské Hory are.
The Town Hall is today a symbol of Ostrava. The high-speed elevator, which covers more than fifty metres, was the fastest in Czechoslovakia at that time. The clock on the tower is three and a half metres in diameter and its “hands” are one and three-quarters metres long.
Until recently, the observation deck of the New Town Hall was the highest point one could reach in Ostrava. Since May 2015, the Bolt Tower observation deck, which is set on the blast furnace in Dolní Vítkovice, is even higher.
OSTRAVAINFO!!! - pobočka Věž
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702 00 Ostrava
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