Water Tower in Karviná

The tall, slender building, which stands alone in Karviná, resembles a watchtower that miraculously remains from the old castle. In fact, it is an old water tower that was built in the 1920s.

The water tower was needed for the expanding water supply network in Fryštát, as Karviná was called at that time. During World War II, the tower served as an observation tower and at the end of the war, German troops damaged it and due to the state of disrepair, water was only supplied to households for three hours a day.

The interesting structure, which is almost forty metres high, has six floors and a water tank at the top, no longer serves its original purpose. The fact that it is a technically interesting building that dominates the landscape is evidenced by the fact that in 2007 it was depicted on a postage stamp in an issue of technical monuments.


MIC při Regionální knihovně Karviná
Masarykovo náměstí 71
733 01 Karviná - Fryštát
E-mail: micka@rkka.cz
Web: https://www.rkka.cz
Tel.: +420 596 318 620

Water Tower in Karviná
Water Tower in Karviná