Leoš Janáček Memorial

The memorial is located in the house where Janáček stayed in Hukvaldy.

Information about the life of this great composer can be learnt here in a modern form, while the historic interiors look as if Janáček has just left and gone for a walk in Hukvaldy to the game enclosure and castle-park.
The house dates from 1790, being originally purchased by Janacek’s brother. It has been opened to the public since 1933 and in 2000 was renovated and made available as a modern exhibition.


Nadace Leoše Janáčka
Hukvaldy 79
739 46 Hukvaldy
E-mail: PLJHukvaldy@janacek-nadace.cz
Web: http://www.janacek-nadace.cz/
Tel.: +420 558 699 252

Leoš Janáček Memorial