Příbor town centre

The local square is lined with original townhouses with arcades and in the middle of it there is a magnificent cast-iron fountain and a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The streets of the historic centre are cobbled with pebbles from the local river Lubina. A well-maintained educational trail leads visitors to the birthplace of the most famous local native, Sigmund Freud. One of the town’s most important sights is the 17th century Piarist monastery and college with its beautifully decorated interiors. In the grounds of the monastery, visitors can explore the local museum and the Sigmund Freud memorial hall.


MIC Příbor
náměstí Sigmunda Freuda 19
742 58 Příbor
E-mail: info@pribor-mesto.cz
Web: https://www.pribor.eu
Tel.: +420 556 455 444

Příbor town centre
Příbor town centre
Příbor town centre
5 km
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