Žerotinský zámek (Žerotín chateau)

One of the symbols of Nový Jičín is a white square chateau decorated with small, slender towers. This chateau, the silhouette of which has become one of the town's emblems, is called Žerotínský zámek and is part of the historic centre of the town and the town's conservation area.

Žerotínský zámek, whose two turrets attract every visitor to our town, is originally a stone house built around 1380 by Vok VI of Kravaře. The chateau ceased to serve as the seat of the nobility in the 16th century, when the town was bought out of the Žerotíns’ serfdom and the chateau passed into their administration.

The appearance of the chateau and its interiors changed radically in the second half of the 19th century, when the attic above the outer wall was partially demolished. On the ground floor, the original vaults, mostly vaulted and vaulted with sections, have been partially preserved. A Renaissance painted beamed ceiling has been preserved in one of the rooms on the first floor.

Today, the chateau houses the Muzeum Novojičínska, whose exhibitions provide an overview of the development of hat fashion and the history of the town. Regular museum exhibitions are also held in the historic halls.


Žerotínský zámek Nový Jičín
28. října 51/12
741 01 Nový Jičín

E-mail: sekretariat@muzeumnj.cz
Web: http://www.muzeumnj.cz/zerotinsky-zamek-v-novem-jicine/
Tel.: +420 556 701 156

Žerotinský zámek (Žerotín chateau)
Žerotinský zámek (Žerotín chateau)
Žerotinský zámek (Žerotín chateau)
Žerotinský zámek (Žerotín chateau)