Mionší nature reserve in Dolní Lomné (Lower Lomná)

The beauty of Mionší is loved by forest photographers, from amateurs to top Czech artists. The best known are the mysterious black and white images by one of the greatest Czech photographers, Josef Sudek, who dedicated one of his picture books to this natural jewel.

One of the biggest indigenous forests in the Czech Republic is formed by an enclosure around which many trails lead. Mainly fir and beech trees grow here that are not cut but are left to their natural destiny. As a result, there is a wealth of rare flora and protected beetles, butterflies, birds and animals, including bears, lynx and wolves also live here. A tour of this rare site is possible only with a guide.
The forest was founded in the late 19th century when the owner of the local manor and a cousin of Emperor Franz Joseph I, Archduke Frederick decided that they would not harvest the wood so that the local deer had some refuge and he could further pursue his passion for hunting. Thanks to this decision, the countryside has not been interfered with for more than a hundred years and some trees are over four centuries old.


Jablunkovské informační centrum
Dukelská 600
739 91 Jablunkov
E-mail: info@jablunkov.cz
Web: http://www.jablunkov.cz
Tel.: +420 558 340 607

Mionší nature reserve in Dolní Lomné (Lower Lomná)